COUNTRY CREEK is a tranquil setting for the 837 homes in Altamonte Springs, FL. The winding, wooded parkway with its’ quaint covered bridge connects eight separate neighborhoods of well-kept residences. Each deed-restricted subdivision has its’ own HOA that actively works to oversee the business and maintain the beauty of the individual development. The Master Association is comprised of one representative from each of the eight sub-associations who manage the common areas and deal with issues that affect all of Country Creek. Country Creek was developed in the mid-80’s and is in an ideal location. We are minutes from shopping, businesses, entertainment and City life while maintaining a quiet country like atmosphere that seems to be far removed from the hustle and bustle that those things bring.Country Creek is made up of eight subdivision consisting of:
All subdivisions combined consist of 837 homes to our residents. Our amenities include:
Please find below a list of FAQ’s in our community, they are:
Q. Who is Country Creeks Property Management Company?
A. Sentry Management, 2180 West SR 434, Suite 5000, Longwood, FL 32779-5044
Property Manager:
Candace Harrison
407-788- 6700 Ext. 51220
Onsite Staff: 407-295-6881; located at Clubhouse M-F
Q. What are the hours of operation for our Clubhouse & other amenities?
A. Daily Clubhouse/Tennis Hours: 8am to 9pm (call or email the Staff at the clubhouse to reserve a court). The Clubhouse is available for special functions to residents only. You must call the Clubhouse to make a reservation, receive the rules and regulations, and place a deposit, and sign a contract to rent the facilities.Holidays observed for Clubhouse are: New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Racquetball Court Hours: 8am to 9pm (first come first serve basis)Pools, Tennis and Basketball Courts: Hours/Operation: 8am to 9pm (except during maintenance procedures) Clubhouse Office Hours: 1:00pm to 3:00pm Monday through Friday. To ensure the security of our residents the community asks that all residents purchase and carry their Rec pass Cards while using the common amenities.
The Master Association Board of Directors meets on the fourth Monday of every month at 7:00pm at the Clubhouse. The Board: The Country Creek Master Association Board consists of a representative from the eight Country Creek subdivisions. All residents are always welcome, and a time is set aside for question and comments from the residents. Please watch the community notice boards for all upcoming events.
Jane King
Doug Yovaish
Alisa Alexander
Katie Warfel
Patty Ex-Collins
Michael Trenholm
Tom Fusco
Jorge Matute
Country Creek Master Association
620 Country Creek Parkway, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, US